Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Golf Peg game at the Crack

Recently, I was out dining in the pride of the South, that is known as the local Cracker Barrel. For years, I have met my nemesis there---- the dreaded Hillbilly IQ tester ( a triangular peg game). The object of the game is to take a peg and jump over another eliminating the jumped peg from the board. You do so until all pegs have been jumped and removed from the game.... hopefully, leaving only one. Proving you are a genius!
Printed on the peg board are the scores: if you leave 4 you're eg-no-ram-goose, 3 you're just plain dumb or moran, 2 and you're pretty smart, leave only 1 and you are a genuine genius. So as not to cause indigestion, you want to leave as few as you can so that you can feel good about yourself as well as have your hunger satisfied.
After many years of failed attempts at genius status, I have found that if no one is looking around after you've unsuccessfully tried to leave only one peg standing there is a solution.... er maybe two.

First, you have all of the pegs out of the board as if you are going to restart the 'test'. Then casually begin to reinsert the golf pegs into the board as you have done so SO So many times before. Now to outwit those you're dining with, simply put in only 1 peg into the board. At which point you should butter your bread, slap some jam on the biscuit, or take a swig of some good ol' sweet tea. This buys you some time for dramatic effect. After a moment of two, you can shuffle some of the loose pegs around on the table. It might even help to drop one on the floor and ask a fellow patron to hand you your missing peg. Then to every one's amazement you have solved the dreaded test. Then you appear to be the smartest person at the table because you not only 'beat the game' but you've outwitted your fellow dinners.

Some have pointed out that the above mentioned method is cheating... ergo dishonest. So if that doesn't suit you, try method number two!
Pull out your smartphone and do a youtube search for the solution. Then follow the easy steps shown!

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