Saturday, August 25, 2012

Confidants, Underwear, and other lessons from a Post turtle!

So the Lord has been revealing many things to me in the most recent of days. I will attempt to capture/conveys those lessons and revelations here. Please be warned that I truly believe that laughter is good medicine:)

Lesson number one:
Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. A plan to give you a future and a hope."
After realizing I would be spending my summer in the pursuit of employment instead of basking in the sunlight, I was reminded of this verse. In conjunction with Proverbs 3:5&6, I saw daily evidence that I needed to 'lean not on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge Him (the one who has plans for me) and he will direct my paths. As I was out and about papering the neighboring counties, I found peace as I prayed for doors to open. I have found the door to be opened in an unexpected place doing what I love! God has His best for us, so often we settle for good. Sadly, we miss out because we try to control the 'stuff of life'.

Lesson number two:
Phillippians 4:4-10 We are to bring everything before the Lord and he will gives us peace. And his Peace passes all understanding.

Lesson number three:
I'm a post turtle! Anything good in me is He that is in me. I have nothing that He has not gifted me with, including my humor. Think of the turtle sitting on a fence post. You know that the turtle didn't get there by himself! The Lord is the one who picks us up and sets our feet on high places. We love because He loved us first. He picked this ugly, dirty turtle up out of the mud, so that He could receive the glory not the turtle!

Lesson number four:
I have always prayed for a friend that 'sticketh closer than a brother'. Jesus has shown to be the true friend. Recently, I have seen that sometimes God let's feel His friendship through flesh and bones. I am thankful for earthly friendships with their basis in our faith:)

Lesson number 4.1
We should always pick those friends and confidants wisely because they're like underwear. They support you behind the scenes and protect your most prized assets:)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bodily humor and other first!

Today was a  roller coaster day! Usually not one to enjoy those sorts of thrills, I'll make an exception for today. My boys are all three at three different schools- Haybabe in elementary, Eman in middle school, and Topher in high school! This morning began a great year for all of them. It was their first full day.

I had a TON of things to do and it was Hubbs day off...more about that in a bit. We woke up dressed, ate, and posed for the traditional 'first day photos'. Hubster took one kiddo; I took the others. After depositing my babies at their respected schools, I was off on the daunting task of pre-employment required finger printing and follow-up TB skin testing. At 9:10 am I was to be finger printed in a nearby town. Unfortunately the business had not updated GPS and I was lost! By 10am, I found myself stopping and asking for directions. The whole  process only took 10 minutes!! The thirty minute drive home gave me time to thank God I have a job!
I drove straight to the doctor's office for the nurse to 'read' my TB skin test results and sign a form. Again the wait was about 30 minutes for a 5 minute 'reading'. I never understood that 'reading' thingy. All she did was turn my arm over and rub it once.
I had to rush home to check on the Hubster! Bless his heart! He was having a minor medical procedure preformed later in the afternoon. This 'procedure' was quite a laborious prep task. Drink this, don't eat that, do this.....all I heard ALL weekend long!
While at home before the final hoorah of preparation, I had time to do some research on line about Special Education....looks like I might get to be a SPED teacher when I grow up! Seriously, GRRRRREEEAT news on that front from the state department.
My parents also drove over for the day to help out with afternoon pick up of kiddos because I would be backed up with the Hubster. When mom and dad got in, they brought a bountiful harvest from their garden. We were discuss afternoon arrangements, when they offered to go shop and prepare dinner too!Heaven Sent blessing!

Before I get started, I must warn you the following contains information about a medical procedure! Scroll on at your own RISK!

Hubster has had a colon cleanse like none other. All weekend, bless his heart has been about preparing for the dreaded colonoscopy! Hubster is not always a fan of my humor, today was case in point. I was left alone while they started his IVs and such. This gave me plenty of time to think of wiseCRACKS to share. The sweet little nurse allowed me back to his beside to sit with him before they put him under. The Hubster is a goodlooking studdly dude which I love deeply. When I saw him, he looked so nervous, bless his heart. I decided I would preform my wifely duties of 'lightening' his mood. As I was laughing at his musical toots, I assured him I could research some on line resource for COLONOSCOPY HUMOR. I found a LOAD of them. I was noticing I was the only one laughing though.
That's when my sweet Hubster, looks over ans said the funniest thing I've ever heard him say! (Usually I'm my favorite comedian, but today, I let him toot his horn.) He looked so serious as he turned to me. "Honey, I don't want to be the BUTT of your jokes!" I laughed until the tears ran down my legs!

Thank God for giving us laughter; it truly is great medicine!FYI, Hubster is fine!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm gonna write a book... "Don't quote movies while under the influence to GMA!"

Ecclesiastes 3:4 says,"there is a time to laugh, there's a time to weep" and even dance! I'm not much of a dancer, but I've seen it on TV, if that counts. As for the others, well I can do those! I may even have a Ph.D in laughter. I don't know if any other person thinks I'm funny or not. To be honest, I'm not sure I care because I am my favorite comedian! Being honest again, I laugh at just about anyone or anything but my messy house.

I have the privilege of being related to some of the funniest people on earth...whether they know it or not! A few blogs ago I shared about a Great Uncle. He gets his own book, by the way. Most recently, I had a drug induced conversation with a GMA that has left me in stitches.....

I had to have a minor outpatient surgical procedure in which I was put to sleep. After leaving the hospital, my sweet, caring HUBSTER filled the necessary pain relieving prescriptions. The next day I was in need of the blessed memory erasing jewels. I have come to the scientific conclusion that those 'pain killers' don't actually 'kill the pain' as the name would imply. Rather, they distort your reality in a way that wipes your brain of any memory of pain.
While I was having my memory and reality 'distorted', I had a dear friend come and sit with me. I am still finding out things that were said or done during the brief stay while the Hubs took our kiddos to church. She was a precious. She came barring gifts of Popsicles, get well notes, and a hilarious nightly devotional book for the 'unconventional woman'.
I don't know if I'm a control freak or what. I had just taken my pain pill and undergoing the momentarily memory loss of pain when she arrived. Feeling like I should be a gracious hostess with the mostest, I engaged in causal conversation, or so I thought. Apparently, I decided I would call and wish the before mentioned GMA a happy birthday. While under the influence, I dialed my sweet GMA. When she answered I told her who I was and said, "Happy Birthday!"My sweet dutiful friend sat by and witness the most unusual conversation in history. I have no reelection of the particular details, but I apparently had to tell my GMA several timse who I was and where I lived. I did tell her I wanted her to 'buy yourself something nice, something REEEEEEEAL nice', in my best Randy Quaid impersonation of Cousin Eddie from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. When GMA didn't understand my humor, I felt it necessary to explain which just made things worse. She then was so confused; she thought I was a younger cousin.

I recently, saw GMA face-to-face in real time. I apologized for the birthday call and reassured her I wasn't drunk! She laughed. then looked at me and asked, "Who is cousin Eddie?" I busted a gut laughing right there. I finally had remembered what I said to her that night on the phone. See my friend was there hearing all and witnessing all of my pain being killed. She had related most of the details to me later on in the week when I found that book and note. However, she could not remember what I had told GMA was 'funny right there I don't care who you are."Mystery solved!!

It did take some convincing GMA that we were not related to an EDDIE and call off the Genealogy Lovin' Great Uncle. I'm pretty sure that her hearing/memory issues mixed with my pain-killing antics aren't a good mix, but gives us GREAT material to laugh about! Still don't remember how I remember it was GMA's birthday!