Saturday, August 25, 2012

Confidants, Underwear, and other lessons from a Post turtle!

So the Lord has been revealing many things to me in the most recent of days. I will attempt to capture/conveys those lessons and revelations here. Please be warned that I truly believe that laughter is good medicine:)

Lesson number one:
Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. A plan to give you a future and a hope."
After realizing I would be spending my summer in the pursuit of employment instead of basking in the sunlight, I was reminded of this verse. In conjunction with Proverbs 3:5&6, I saw daily evidence that I needed to 'lean not on my own understanding but in all my ways acknowledge Him (the one who has plans for me) and he will direct my paths. As I was out and about papering the neighboring counties, I found peace as I prayed for doors to open. I have found the door to be opened in an unexpected place doing what I love! God has His best for us, so often we settle for good. Sadly, we miss out because we try to control the 'stuff of life'.

Lesson number two:
Phillippians 4:4-10 We are to bring everything before the Lord and he will gives us peace. And his Peace passes all understanding.

Lesson number three:
I'm a post turtle! Anything good in me is He that is in me. I have nothing that He has not gifted me with, including my humor. Think of the turtle sitting on a fence post. You know that the turtle didn't get there by himself! The Lord is the one who picks us up and sets our feet on high places. We love because He loved us first. He picked this ugly, dirty turtle up out of the mud, so that He could receive the glory not the turtle!

Lesson number four:
I have always prayed for a friend that 'sticketh closer than a brother'. Jesus has shown to be the true friend. Recently, I have seen that sometimes God let's feel His friendship through flesh and bones. I am thankful for earthly friendships with their basis in our faith:)

Lesson number 4.1
We should always pick those friends and confidants wisely because they're like underwear. They support you behind the scenes and protect your most prized assets:)

1 comment:

  1. little grasshopper (sweet daughter) you are beginning to learn what is really 'real'.....thanks be to Jesus for His unspeakable Grace to you...and me (for letting me 'see' His work in you) :)
