Upon reflection of Topher and his sweetness, I recall many of the cute things uttered from his precious mind. Most often these utterances have occurred because of something Eman or Haybabe have been involved in stirring up. After all, isn't that the life of an older sibling???
Tophe, had his passy obsession for the first two years of life. I was worried it would be stuck with it until the Pastor said, "you may kiss the bride". I could just see his beautiful bride waiting until he secured the passy for the kiss.... okay may be an exaggeration.. I do tend to over emphasis a point from time to time. However, there was the time his Smokey dog ran off with his passy as we were loading up for a family vacation. Picture this for a moment, I'm 8 months pregnant with Eman and younger sister had just been married days before the morning I saw my father and husband chasing down a Passy-sucking Blue-tick Beagle....We can't forget the howling, "Mokey has my passy!"
Anyhoo, Topher has always been a gifted orator. I often thought he'd be a pastor or teacher (cringe) because he has been blessed with the art of gab! Upon reaching teenage-hood, I'm starting to believe possibly Lawyer is in his future. He has begun the practice of debate!
The Passy days were adorable! It was quite a feat to translate all the jabbering from behind the passy. I recall one time he was off on some wild tangent that I was having quite sometime with understanding...seeing as how I didn't speak Passy. I took the passy out and ask him to repeat..I think it was the first eye roll now that I think of it... When he had finished his huff, repeated his statement, he politely requested his passy back!
He was speaking in complete sentences or paragraphs by 15 months!
Some five months after becoming a big brother his speaking skills were put to the test. We were bringing in the New Year with my sister's in-laws with finger foods and a serious Bingo match. As we were cleaning up, Tophe noticed a metal music stand in the corner. He walked over and tried to bring it down to his level. Consequently, he pulled it down on his head.
Being the calm cool collected mother, I raced over to him and ran him to the bathroom where I passed out. My brother in-law, quick thinking grabbed a Zip-loc baggie and filled it with snow. In one quick swoop, Eman was with Grandpa and Grandma as we were driving to the ER. The triage nurse began asking questions. Tophe began answering..to her surprise.
"Can he respond in two word sentences?"
"Yes, baby can."
"Ok, then how bad does it hurt." (while showing a crying face pain chart) He pointed in response.
"What happened?"
"I bumped my head. Mommy fell down. Now we're here."
Being New Year's Eve, I felt it my duty to explain that NO alcohol was involved, that I only passed out because my baby's head was bleeding!!
Topher had a way with words that did not go unnoticed. Younger brothers too have had some zingers! My favorite redhead, Eman has been a man of few words, but when he speaks it pays to listen. Being blessed with the red hair, he was frequently hearing me respond to the question commonly asked of two brunette-haired parents, "Where did he get the red hair?" People, stupid question... I'm sure he was thinking because his pointed response left most dumbfounded. He would simply look up at them and say,"That's how God made me!"
Haybabe has been the praying brother! "I love this day, my family, and God," (an often uttered dinnertime prayer!) He has recently asked, "when babies are in mommies bellies, what flavor of milk do they get? chocolate or vanilla? My teacher says not to drink too much chocolate milk because it will make you fat? Is that true, Mommy? Can we play school now? I would like to read a new chapter book to you in my classroom, Mommy!" Lol, the Energizer-bunny brain of a Kindergarten boy!!
oh...this brought back SO many memories!!! it was like looking at a photo album!!! keep it up!